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Common Questions About Guardianship Answered Personal & Family

Common Questions About Guardianship Answered

Guardianship grants one person authority to make decisions for another. Gain a basic understanding of guardianship through answers to these common questions. What Is a Guardian? A guardian is a person who has been on behalf of another person, known as a ward, who is incapable of making such decisions on their own. A ward may be a […]

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4 min read

Divorce Mediation vs. Divorce Court: When to Choose What Personal & Family

Divorce Mediation vs. Divorce Court: When to Choose What

Divorce doesn’t always have to be a fight. Find out the benefits of divorce mediation versus divorce court and learn which one may be best for your situation. Divorce is difficult, no matter how much you know it’s the right decision. There are assets to split up, financial accounts to deal with and sometimes even […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Establishing Paternity Personal & Family

Everything You Need to Know About Establishing Paternity

Establishing paternity is an important part of child support and child custody issues. Learn more about what establishing paternity means and how it works. Establish paternity isn’t something that comes up in every family law case, but in the ones where it does, it can have a huge impact on what happens after the testing […]

Read More about Everything You Need to Know About Establishing Paternity

4 min read