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About LegalBoulevard

LegalBoulevard is a trusted online platform, helping businesses and individuals protect what matters most to them. Driven by the belief that legal information should be easy to understand and accessible to everyone, LegalBoulevard aims to provide reliable online resources for the legal industry.

How It’s Done

Our Process

Our goal is to deliver the highest quality content to our readers. To ensure that, all of our content is reviewed at least once (by an editor) and often twice (by a legal expert or experienced legal writer). We will always strive to provide you with the most accurate and useful legal advice. While we may update or edit some articles after they are published, our general editorial process is as follows:

  • Staff or freelance writers will thoroughly research a topic, write an article about it, and submit it to the Manager Editor.
  • The Managing Editor will review the article for any spelling, grammatical, or obvious factual errors.
  • On relevant articles, the content will be further reviewed by someone from our team of experts — either a certified legal professional or someone with years of experience in legal writing.


Our Team

Our team is made up of freelance and staff writers, along with an in-house Managing Editor. Together, they bring years of experience in the online publishing industry. Their diverse backgrounds bring a wide range of viewpoints that, combined, make LegalBoulevard a reliable source of legal news and advice. We believe our team can help you better understand the answers to your pressing legal questions.